Merry Christmas

Our family loves Christmas. We are one of those who will put the decorations and tree out as early as possible. This year the Christmas music was already going early November and honestly we just love to try and make it as long as possible. I personally feel it just goes too fast and I need that extra time to really soak in the beauty and process of what this season is. This year was particularly beautiful for us as a family. Not for any one specific reason but just really taking time to be together. My parents came to visit for Thanksgiving and among other fun christmasy things we did one of my own childhood traditions where we made cookies and secretly delivered them to several families. The boys had so much fun being secret givers and I loved watching them find joy in it.
As much as we love Christmas there is also a certain heaviness around this season and particularly in France. 5.5 Million people in France feel isolated. Stress is at an all time high. It’s reported that 10,000 commit suicide every year.
This year we followed the Jesus storybook bible advent calendar with the boys. It’s been such a beautiful process to walk them through, the reason why Christmas is so special and why the gift of Jesus was the best gift of all time. This year Colton has also taken a whole new meaning to this season as he has made a personal decision to invite Jesus into his heart and watching him grow in his own understanding of the bible and relationship with Jesus has been the highlight of our parenting experience with Him. So Colton and I have made a video on how this advent calendar spoke in a special way to him this year.
But the one thing is clear. If we cannot understand the sadness of that day when Adam and Eve had to leave the garden because of their sin and were separated from God then we cannot understand the hope in the promise that was given to send a saviour and God’s great redemption plan. How much joy we have that that was given through Jesus, the greatest gift of all time. There are still so many who need to receive this gift of the fulfilled promise to restore what was broken so long ago.
Thank you for walking with us as a family as we share this hope in France. We hope that wherever you are that you are able to soak in His love for you and whatever part of your journey you are on know that His plan is restore whatever brokenness may be around you.
From our family to yours MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!