Aberdeen, Scotland
We are back from Scotland. I needed this trip more than I thought. The week before had been really draining and tense. I felt very irritated and worried about what others were thinking of me and had been letting my focus drift.
The very first meeting we had together began with Beryl sharing a devotional. She shared about intimacy and walking in His presence. I was reminded of what really matters. It struck a hunger in me and broke the hardened pieces of my heart. The little things that go wrong in our days and the battles we face can easily cause us to focus on ourselves, but at the end of the day the only thing that is truly significant is God and the closeness we can have with him. We went into a time of worship and time to seek the Lord in prayer.
My heart was being softened and I felt like all the burdens and frustrations I had been carrying around were released and I was able to just worship the Lord and be at peace in his presence. Beryl shared how without this kind of intimacy with him all the planning and strategies we make won’t really mean much or make much difference. We NEED to be carrying his presence in us with everything we do. The only way to do that is to be spending time in His Word and in His presence. That is what I want to do as we go through out our ministry.
As I said before this struck a hunger inside of me. I think spiritual hunger can be a lot like physical hunger. If you don’t eat when you’re hungry eventually the hunger will just pass you by. I don’t want this spiritual hunger to go away, the desire to be close to Him. I took all that I could this past week.
The following days were spent casting vision, sharing passion and with a church we have formed a close friendship with. They have a heart and lot of potential to start a program at this church called The King’s Community Church. We are praying about the next steps to take, but it was exciting to spend time with the leaders and the congregation on Sunday and see the passion they have. Great things are happening in Aberdeen, Scotland! Here are a few pictures from the trip. Enjoy!