A big hello from our family to yours!
It is an unprecedented time to be able to write you when all of us are all in the same situation all across the globe! As much as it has changed our lives, we find ourselves here in France more excited than ever to be a part of what God is doing. We have always said from the start, the question is not “will God do the impossible, the question is, will you be a part of it! We are in exciting days and I pray that we all can say we are expectant that God is who He says is and we are ready to be His hands and feet no matter what our circumstances maybe today.
We wanted to check in with you all to just let you know we are all ok, healthy, and discovering new routines in life while we go through this unique season! Thank you for all your prayers and messages over the weeks! Here are some updates for you:
Family News
We begin our 3rd week of mandatory lockdown this week. What does that mean exactly? We are allowed one parent to take the kids out for one hour per day and we must not go further than about a half mile. The only other reason 1 parent could be outside is if you needed the pharmacy or the grocery store. No matter what though, you must fill out a paper every time stating the time and reason why you are outside your house. We are adjusting quickly though to this little pause in life. All new ryhtyms are happening, especially when it comes to homeschooling the kids. We are grateful for the time we have with our family and Haiden especially is living the best days of his life with everyone home, everyday, party all day!
France Updates
They say this weekend we will hit our peak with the virus and possibly the most important to stay inside if we can really flatten the curve at the transmission of the virus. Last night they extended the mandatory lockdown until the 15th of April. Depending on how well people stay away from others during the next two weeks will determine if we will be in further lockdown after the 15th.
Cafe on Pause
Being on lockdown also means no cafe. We really do miss this part of our lives! We miss seeing people’s faces and our team. The streets are so quiet. The blue skies and sun give a stark contrast to the feeling you have when you look outside the windows. Yet, we continue to dig into God’s word and let Him speak as we wrestle with this concept He has put in our lap on how we can continue to be a community that is being God’s hands and feet in creative ways.
Church is Streaming
About a year ago I set the church up with a streaming system and it’s been a easy transition to move Sundays to online. After church today the streaming schedule for the week was packed! It’s great seeing how creative the church is becoming to stay connected with church members as well as find ways to share the gospel.