One of the things Belgium is known for is French Fries (as we American’s call them) or Frites as the Belgians call them. All over the country they have little Frit stands and locals come on their lunch breaks or for a snack to enjoy a cone of frites with one of the many delicious sauces offered. One of the most popular, and in our opinion the BEST, frit stand is just right next to our apartment. This little stand has been in travel magazines as one of the best frit stands. We started eating there frequently when we moved in our apartment two years ago. Since then we have gotten to know our fritier and built a relationship with him. After we had Colton we brought him to the stand to meet our friend and he was completely over joyed to see Colton. We were deeply moved as he shared how he sees something different in us and how we have become more than just customers to him, but have a real friendship. So when he sees Colton he is so happy.
It can be easy to be discouraged ministering in Europe, because most people are completely turned off to God and have no tangible need for Him. BUT God is not bound by these challenges. We believe that he is using us to be a light in this dark nation and I believe that that is the difference that our frit friend has seen in us. Things may move slowly, but God is letting us know that he is working in this continent and that lives ARE being impacted by our presence here. Thank you for helping us stay in Belgium and continue to influence those around us with His love.