Kendice, Slovakia
Every story matters.
Trying to understand God´s love is so overwhelming. Lately I have been in awe of God´s grace; His ability to have this unending patience with us because He loves us SO MUCH. Each and every person on this earth has their own unique purpose given by God himself. I love Ecclesiastes 3:11, “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”
Deep inside everyone has this inner tension of eternity. It drives people to find their purpose. God´s master plan involves everyone.
Every trip, every opportunity I have to meet someone new gives me this amazing opportunity to see what God is doing in the world. Earlier this summer I started a relationship with a church in Sabinov, Slovakia. Within moments of hearing their story I knew working with this team was going to be so exciting.
Below is Pastor Marian´s, from the church in Slovakia, testimony.
“Today, the impact Marian and his church is making goes across the country of Slovakia. Government officials continue to ask their support in helping the gypsy communities in other areas of Slovakia. If you were to ask Marian or anyone on his team about how they are making an impact into this group of people, they would point to one thing… the renewing of the mind through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. They are some of the most passionate disciplers I have met.”
This year we have begun an intentional partnership with a church in Lincoln, Nebraska to focus on an area south of Sabinov, called Kendice, where they want to plant a church. This past May we took our first trip with the team from Nebraska and began sharing God´s love with this community. Plans are already being put into place to purchase land for the church. We are needing around $30,000 to do this! Please keep this in your prayers as we help Marian and the church move towards this goal in the coming year.
God´s love is so overwhelming.
As you look at these pictures below, look into the eyes of the children. In every one I see God´s finger prints. Together, we are given an opportunity to share Christ’s light with them, to break the cycle of poverty they live in. It´s not just physical poverty, but more importantly the spiritual poverty they have lived in. One by one, the story changes as they hear God´s purpose for their lives. They see their life has an eternal purpose and when that lightbulb goes off communities are change, cities are moved and governments begin to question, why are you so different? This is where life gets to be a lot of fun!
Keep praying with us. Keep praying for Marian and his team and the church. As the light is spread, darkness fights. It´s a constant battle, but God´s strength always overcomes.
Love you guys.