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Colton’s first day of school

IMG_0792The house has not been this quiet in 3 years! Today was Colton’s first day of school, Maternelle (pre-k). This is a milestone that has overwhelmed me for the past year. I felt so lost in the beginning trying to figure out the Belgian system, how to find a school and where to place him. In the beginning it overwhelmed me so much that I just procrastinated and kept on procrastinating. I shouldn’t be surprised that God knew what I needed without me even having to ask. One day something in me just motivated me to look on a certain website and I discovered all the Maternelle’s he could attend. It’s like the Lord just gave me a nudge knowing I didn’t have much time left to find a place. The schools here fill extremely fast. Some say you should already sign up during their first year of life. The next day I brought a friend with me to visit the ones closest to our place. The school directly across the street from our apartment had only 7 places left and if I had waited one more week they would of been filled. We were able to meet the director and take a tour of the school and I had an overwhelming sense of peace that this was where Colton needed to be.

So many emotions come over me with this being Colton’s first day of school. It brings a new season for our family and especially for Colton. I have watched him thrive this past year every time he goes to daycare and gets to play with other children his own age. He has loved learning new things and the pride that shines in his face when he learns how to count, learns how to say new words, put on his clothes by himself or where all the body parts are gives me the reassurance that he is ready for this next stage of life.

Then there is a whole new level of nerves and excitement as this is not just a new milestone of going to school, but becoming immersed even deeper in to the Belgian culture. Colton is attending a 100% French speaking school. This opens a whole new door to build connections and be a light in an area we haven’t had the past 5 years. Our mission field is expanding today.

Nerves were a little high this morning as we ventured into the unknown, but again I’m thankful that God was there with us paving the way. Colton was able to visit the school months ago and loved it, so the second he saw where we were going his nerves quickly vanished and became his happy, excited and independent self once again. His teacher was so sweet and welcoming. Colton quickly found a box of dinosaurs and a box of animals. He was already making friends, gave me and daddy kisses saying “bye mama, bye daddy”.

So a new chapter begins and we are anticipating many great things to come.