March Madness
Just 3 weeks ago we had our annual Resolute Conference. We emailed asking you to pray and we thank you for all your prayers. We also want to thank Rockford First, in Rockford, IL, for all you gave to sponsor this conference. This was an incredibly exciting time! As we gathered our discipleship schools from all over Europe (England, Ireland, The Netherlands, France, Belgium, and even Pakistan) to worship God and invite him in, to press into His spirit, and He moved in incredible ways. We were joined by youth from all over Belgium, The Netherlands and France. This was a unique and powerful opportunity for them to not just hear from God, but see what He is doing all across this continent. We heard many reports of attendees who felt God called them into positions of ministry. Many received a call to plant churches. We are in awe of what happens when we come together from many nations as ONE. The theme of the conference was WE ARE ONE and we have come out feeling like one body of Christ, ready to function as such, and reach out to our home cities and countries.
The month before conference we asked our leaders to commit to prayer and gave specific things we wanted to see God do. Our hearts rejoice as we look back now and see how God has answered them specifically. Here is one of the Prayer Focuses we sent out.
“Stand united, singular in vision, contending for people’s trust in the Message, the good news, not flinching or dodging in the slightest before the opposition. Your courage and unity will show them what they’re up against: defeat for them, victory for you—and both because of God.” Philippians 1:27b-28
As we continue to pray for unity, we are also praying for this conference to unleash a spirit of courage. We do not want to be a generation that shrinks back in fear. We are about raising up disciples who are firmly planted in the house of the Lord, and flourish in the courts of our God. We want this conference to bring people into a deeper trust with Him and for them to leave ready to follow him with boldness.
Just 10 days following the conclusion of our conference there was a terrorist attack in our city, Brussels, Belgium. We would have every reason (humanly speaking) to be afraid, to want to flee, to shrink back and re-evaluate why we are here… is it worth the risk of our children’s safety? But we cannot go there. Our confidence is in our God. We do not see a victory for the enemy, although he may think he has won this battle. We know our God has the victory and that He can use what was intended for harm and turn it for good.
John 16:33, “I’ve told you all this so that trusting me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I’ve conquered the world.”
This past weekend was Easter. The day we celebrate what Jesus accomplished not just by dying on the cross for us, but that he ROSE from the dead. Because of this we have victory in His name!! That is what we choose to stand on. It may be hard to understand why, but we have a deep peace in the midst of the devastation. We sense that this will be what causes a spiritual breakthrough for this city. We are pressing into Him and praying for His spirit to move and minister to this hurting city and that he would use us as a light in the midst of the darkness. We are believing that He will use this for good and for people to see their own need for God and turn to Him.
Thank you for praying with us!!
The Tarantinos
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SPRINGFIELD, MO 65802-1894