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Beyren James Tarantino is born

Most of my pregnancy with Beyren felt like one giant blur. I felt much more sick and busy that time completely passed me by. I didn’t take it in as I wanted or day dream about what having 3 sons would be like. Soon I was coming up to 40 weeks and feeling robbed of my experience and really not feeling ready for the task of child birth or what was to come after. I was content for him to stay in me for as long as possible. This was not at all like the other 2 where I would of welcomed birth long before my due date. Because God knows I needed a push and motivation for labor he let my body convince my mind this baby should come out and come out now. The end is so uncomfortable. This truth has always humored me.

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To be driven by compassion, what exactly does this mean?

God is showing me more and more just how hurt our world is. Everywhere we go and everywhere we look people all carrying all kinds of pain. I don’t think this is anything new, but I do think that it is easy to become numb to it and just accept it as life. We do this as a defense mechanism, because it’s easier to just ignore than to let it drive us into action. I find it so interesting how in the bible when it mentions how Jesus was moved with compassion that it actually means a feeling so strong that it moved him into some kind of action.

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Vratza, Bulgaria- COHEU Community Event

So many places in Europe are in need. Communities are poor and vulnerable, but they have deep needs that go beyond just the physical. Convoy of Hope Europe’s (COHEU) desire is to bring the hope of Jesus to these people/communities in a practical way. One of the ways we do this is through community events. We partner with a local church and put on a party!

Recently Nolan traveled with COHEU to Vratza, Bulgaria to share hope through one of these community events.

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European Park Life

One of my favorite things about living in Europe are the parks!! Every where you go in Europe they have the most amazing and beautiful parks and the Europeans LOVE THEM!! During the summer they are absolutely packed with people lounging in the sun on blankets, walking, rollerblading, riding bikes etc. As we have definitely entered into Autumn weather here there are only a few randomly beautiful days left and EVERYONE takes advantage of them!

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One of the things  Belgium is known for is French Fries (as we American’s call them) or Frites as the Belgians call them. All over the country they have little Frit stands and locals come on their lunch breaks or for a snack to enjoy a cone of frites with one of the many delicious sauces offered.

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